Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I rock!

We got Rock Band for Christmas. Did I mention that? Christmas morning was the first time I'd ever played that type of game at all. Guitar Hero never looked fun to me. Music School (or whatever it was called) sounded lame. But I was persuaded to give the drums from Rock Band a shot.

And let me tell you...I rock!

I am more than disappointed that there are no Blink songs to play. Whose wise idea was it to create a drumming game and leave out songs featuring one of the most brilliant drummers of all time? Not too clever. Anyway, I found a song by Blink's lead singer and if I try not to listen too closely I can pretend Travis Barker is on stage rockin' out. It'll do for now.

My baton twirling experience has come in handy the last three weeks I've been playing. As I've gotten better, I can twirl the drumsticks between my fingers in between beats. Yeah, it's pretty sweet.

Now if I could only get the head bang down.

If you've got three minutes to spare, you need to watch Travis Barker do a solo. Gives me chills. INSANE.

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