Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Moving Forward!

Howdy! I'm in a great mood this morning for a couple reasons and had to post...

1-It's overcast! Woohoo! That means the inspiration is flowing and my fingers are typing away...and hey, the words coming out aren't half-bad either.

2-I'm finished with Chapter 1 and 2! Cause for celebration--especially since I have four versions of Chapter 2 sitting in the "cut-out" file. I seriously have more pages deleted than in my work-in-progress.

3-I'm finally over this horrible cold that's kicked my ass the last week or so! Wonder if my stuffy brain has anything to do with the cloud that's been hanging over my WIP.

And just because I've been writing to Annie Lennox the last couple days, I'll post the link to my playlist...and I think from there you can see the others I've been writing to the last year or so. Let Lennox take you back to the 80's...

Have a great week!

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