Friday, July 23, 2010

RWA National Conference 2010

I can't tell you how excited I am to be attending this year's conference in Orlando, Florida! My critique partner and I leave on Wednesday at the butt-crack of dawn. (Speaking of, has anyone ever seen the actual butt-crack of dawn? No?)

I wonder if it looks something like this:

Heh. Anyway, we leave at 6:30am which means leaving the house at some God-awful-hour before 4am. Urrrggghhh. (By the by, that's the exact sound I'll be making as I wipe the drool off my pillow come Wednesday.)

As tedious as all the tasks are to get to Orlando, once we land we're heading right to a Literacy Autographing where the best of the bests will be ready to battle illiteracy with their trusty pens. From there on out, I'm going to be a sponge, soaking up as much information on craft and publishing as I can.

Imagine me a little like this:

Only I hope I won't be that boring. Maybe after I recoup from jetlag I'll have a little more personality. I'll probably look like this:

Oh, this is too much fun. Okay, okay, this'll be me as I run into Nora Roberts, J.R. Ward, Christine Feehan, Allison Brennan, and on and on:

Seriously, though, what better way to learn what it takes to become published than from the experts who are? I'm going there to learn...and of course network. I hope to meet a few editors face to face. And I'll be meeting my agent for the first time! Woohoo!

To sum it all up, if you're going to Orlando and want to find me, this is what you should look for:

I really will be floating on air.


Elisa Dane said...

I'm right there with ya, babe! Squeee!!! Oh, Lord! If you're Spongebob, does that make me Patrick? Gah! How about Sandy instead?

Kristin Miller said...

Sandy it is! I wouldn't want to travel with Patrick, anyway. He'd drool all over the luggage and wouldn't be much fun to gab with. LOL!

Are you bringing any reading with you or do you plan on buying/reading something there?

Aubree said...

how exciting!! best of luck with the networking and self promoting while you're there!