Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance Rocks!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before but I'm a HUGE fan of So You Think You Can Dance. Maybe it's the seven years of ballet under my belt...or the sixteen years of baton twirling...or the seven years of cheerleading...oh, I'm sure it's the fact that I could never in my wildest dreams come close to their level of perfection. I'd like to think it's because I appreciate beauty in all its forms with writing and literature being no exception. Whichever the reason, the show is awesome.

Last night the show took a flawless ballet dancer and paired him against a "pro" hip-hopper. The performance gave me chills, had me laughing out loud, clapping with the beat, and had me on my feet at the end before I knew what I was doing. The routine was awesome, perfectly played up to the male ballerina's strengths.

I knew I was going to like it from the start. The premise is a ballerina who's in therapy to fix his ways and get more funky. Right up my alley as my bachelors degree is in Psychology...LOVED IT.

In order to get a true appreciation for how good Alex Wong is in his own right, you should watch this video first. It looks like he's at some sort of solo competition and is, once again, flawless.

If that wasn't awesome enough, you should watch him do hip-hop. Before the routine (on the clip I can't find), Alex Wong says that hip-hop is the furthest thing from his form. He's never done it. He's never studied it. And he sure as hell hadn't performed it side-by-side with one of the greatest hip-hoppers on the planet. Watch him rise to the challenge on the show last night...

Wasn't that worth rooting for? Oh yeah. I'm shifting from Team Billy B. to Team Alex Rock.


Elisa Dane said...

LOVE this show! It's my fav during the summer. I'm rooting for Kent and Alex. Love em!

Anonymous said...

One of these days I'd like to take a dance class of some sort. I'm terible right now! xD

Kristin Miller said...

Lisa--Kent is a should I put this...he's a little like John Matthews from BDB before the transition for me! LOL! Bring him back around after he's been hanging with the Brothers and I may change my mind.

Amanda--I know this isn't commented on the right post but HOLY SMOKES GIRLY that's some major contest likeage on your blog! I don't know how to thank you other than offering you like a gazillion points for the drawing! You rock!