Monday, August 30, 2010


I couldn't tell you how many times I shouted the phrase today. Yes, today was a milestone in the Miller household.

Both my children were in school this morning.

Which left me totally, utterly FREE. Oh, I know there are those of you who love having babies around and feel sad when those babies separate and walk into the classroom. I know there are those who try for more children once their oldest gets into school. (What, are you crazy?!?) There are also those who cry as their little ones walk through that classroom door and they're left alone to their own devices. (And by devices of course I mean housework, grocery shopping and laundry.)

But not me.

Today (just to prove to myself that I could) I went shopping for a writing chair and desk. (Found the chair, not the desk, but it was oh, so much fun just perusing.) I had lunch. (Veggie burritos from a local taqueria because they're DELISH and Tank eats all mine when we take him.) It was great.

I might've been the only mother skipping to my car as I dropped the kids off at school. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face all day. It's not because I won't miss them around the house because I will. It's just that this is the moment I've waited for since they were born. I've groomed them through the years. Primped them. Taught them. Built them to be good people and good students. (At least that's the hope, right?) And now they get to put what they've learned into action.

Yes, it's a little scary. That Freedom in all its glory also means that anything could happen...

I feel the exact same nervous energy about my new WIP. I have the characters backstory solidly in my head. I know them inside and out--how they hurt, why they feel the way they do. But what if when I start writing (and I give them the freedom to move and breathe around the pages) they misbehave and ruin the darn good story line I've concocted in my head? Those darn characters are mischievous and never seem to behave properly (at least in my books, they don't). My real-life children will behave better, I know they will.

Writers, do you feel me? Do your characters perform on cue, as expected, always? Or do they rummage around and get into trouble where you didn't plan on having any? Mothers, were you the type that relished your newfound freedom with your children in school or did you skulk for the few hours they were in the classroom? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A woman after my own heart. :o)